Have you experienced discrimination by a landlord, co-op or condo?


Housing Discrimination

We represent victims of housing discrimination.

Housing discrimination is a sad and serious reality in New York City and its surrounding areas, and its effects cannot be understated: Housing discrimination affects access to schools, jobs, and other resources. It creates and perpetuates segregation in our neighborhoods. KLLF attorneys have represented individuals and organizations fighting the scourge of this discrimination in proceedings before government agencies and federal courts. Our work in this area, including with our prior firm, has included:

  • Suing landlords and real estate agents who, we allege, discriminated against renters who sought to use housing vouchers to pay for apartments.

  • Representing the Fair Housing Justice Center in a variety of matters, including a suit that successfully ended an assisted living facility’s discriminatory policy barring people who use wheelchairs.

  • Helping those who have emotional support animals secure their right to keep their animals in their homes, where building policies otherwise bar pets.

  • Filing a complaint with the New York City Commission on Human Rights on behalf of an affordable housing tenant who has experienced shocking racial discrimination while living at Sky, a luxury apartment in Midtown Manhattan.

  • Representing a family who was constructively evicted from their apartment after management refused to grant them a reasonable accommodation for their daughter’s mental health disability.

  • Suing a co-op board who denied a qualified family’s application after learning of the mother’s ethnicity.