Fill out this form or leave us a voicemail at 212-660-2332 to see how we can help you.
What happens next?
After discussing your situation with you and if we think we may be able to help, we will likely ask you to come to our office to meet with us so we can decide whether we can represent you (and you can decide if you want to hire us).
What do we charge?
For some cases, we will charge you for our services, either by the hour or through some other arrangement. For other cases, you will not have to pay any attorneys’ fees unless we are successful in obtaining money for you (either in a settlement negotiation or a trial verdict), in which case our fee will be taken out of the money that is awarded. We will discuss with you what payment system makes the most sense for your situation, before you decide whether to hire us.
Take the first step.
Call us or fill out this form so we can evaluate your situation. In the message section, please be as detailed as you can so we can get a clear picture of what happened. Please note that by filling out this form, you have not become a client of KLLF or created an attorney-client relationship.